#245: Useless visit - 2011-10-11

When she was walking downstairs, Rosa was blocked by SAPOCOP.
- " Hugo? Are you around? "
- " Yes, in the bathroom! "
- " You left your robot blocking the way at the staircase! "
- " What did you say? But it was at the workshop! "
- " So, you're going to tell me that it came here on its own! "
- " Just wait a moment, I'll get out soon! "
Hugo left the bathroom and was amazed of SAPOCOP's position.
- " SAPOCOP! Come here! "
- " Negative. "
- " What? How you dare disobey my orders? I built you, and I can destroy you if I want! Already! "
Hugo then proceeded to carry SAPOCOP back to the workshop.
- " You shouldn't go to that place. " - SAPOCOP said Rosa - " It's dangerous. "
- " Hugo, why is your robot saying those things? "
- " Damned if I know! Eliana programmed it! And she doesn't want to tell me anything, she just giggles to herself! "
- " DON'T GO! DON'T GO! "

Rosa left the house without listening to SAPOCOP. When she arrived to Rafael's home, she met Gastón instead.
- " Rafael didn't return from Talca. He said he was going to return the night before the first day of school. Then, you'll be able to talk with him. "
- " He's not here... boo. I wanted to tell him about my trip... Well, thanks.
But Rosa had a bad feeling about it. Did SAPOCOP feel that too? Would it have been better to listen to SAPOCOP's words? But it's just a robot!
Gaston stood during two minutes at his house's entrance door, after dismissing Rosa. Then, he entered the house and closed the door.
- " Why didn't you want to talk to her? Aren't you doing to tell her...? "
- " No, I don't know, Gastón. To be honest, I don't know what to do! "