#271: Femininity - 2012-12-31

After the prize giving ceremony, it was time to go. The students from Eighth Year captured the attention of pedestrians with their colorful national costumes, particularly those who were awarded.
It was a mere coincidence that Arnoldo and Catalina were both awarded second place with their costumes of England and India. Boyfriend and girlfriend were, certainly, the most attractive couple in the school.
Li Xiaoshang walked at a small distance from them. Her authentic qipao only earned her a third place, because the judges decided to reward the effort and originality of the girl from class 8-A who tailor-made an Ao Dai for herself, with her own hands in order to represent Vietnam.
Anyways, the Chinese girl received an award for her physical beauty, although she didn't feel too happy because of it. Li is proud of many things; she's a good student and also a competent martial arts practitioner. However, until that day, she never saw herself as a beautiful young girl; instead, she thought she was considered ugly because she was Chinese.

When she arrived back home, Li looked to herself at the mirror and, indeed, she looked rather pretty, not just with her qipao, but also with the dresses her mother sometimes asked her to wear. Never before in her life, she spent so much time looking at herself, trying new hairstyles and imagining herself with new clothing.
When she saw her so unusually smug at herself, her mother became amazed.
- It seems that you finally realized that you're a woman.
Then, Li told her what happened, rather embarrassed.
- I'm not surprised at how you feel; you never liked girly stuff.
- That's right; I always, if not studying, I was practicing sports or helping at the house. The only "girly" item I own is this plush bunny...