#405: I know I can fly - 2016-03-27

Eliana: Ow, it's difficult to land here!
Eliana: No! Slower! Slower!
Eliana: I did it! Hahaha!
Eliana: Now I know that I can control this thing!
Eliana: Everything will be easier from now on!
Eliana: I don't know. Where. The H&11. I am.
Eliana: I only know that I advanced a lot... at least twenty kilome­ters in few minutes.
Eliana: No. More than that. I can already see some fields. Though they may be more to the north, on the road to Gualleco...
Eliana: Anyway, I'm far away from the road. If I want to reach any place, I'll have to fly. There's no other option. I'll build less speed this time, and I'll practice a bit more.
Eliana: Now we're talking! The starting impulse, to use the wind better!
Eliana: To build confidence, to feel that I can! Yeah!
Eliana: Hey! I can see the city of Talca from this height! Now I know where I am and how to get there!
Eliana: ... on the other hand, taking into account how tired I'll be, I think I'll have to sleep until Monday. If I manage to get there...