#407: Near Colín - 2016-04-11

Eliana: As long as no one sees me, everything will be okay.
Eliana: ♫...
Eliana: Eek, I'm falling asleep again!
Eliana: I'm starting to get bored of this endless walk!
Eliana: I'll ask that maiden who is coming on horseback.
Muchacha: Do you need help, little one? Are you lost?
Eliana: No. I just want to know how long to get to Talca's railway station?
Muchacha: It's 45 minutes on horseback. I can bring you, if you wish.
Eliana: No, thanks. I can go faster by foot.
Muchacha: Whoa! My God, that little girl is such a fast runner!
Muchacha: And with all that hair...! I've never seen someone like that! I'll call my boyfriend right now, in case he meets her there!