#410: Not a dream this time - 2016-05-15

Talca, february 2, 1996.
It was already past three in the afternoon, and the stew was ready at the house of Lucas Gómez and Ester Poblete. Their daughter Clara, their four grandchildren and Lucas's grandmother, María Angélica, were visiting. Three of the kids were already at the table. Eliana, the third of the siblings, was still asleep.
Although it was hot outside, inside the house the temperature was pleasant, which fostered a calm chat, mainly about María's plans for her house in Chillán, which was abandoned during many years. The repairs began after the National Holidays, and what was left to do was to clean up, rearrange stuff and redecorate.
After staying for a good while listening on her dreams what was being spoken, mainly by her mother, grandmother and great—great—grandmother, Eliana finally woke up. She still felt tired, as the day before she carried out a grueling journey during more than three hours. When she saw herself at the grandparents' house and noticed the smell of the tasty lunch, she asked herself how much time had passed, as many times before she had fell asleep during several days.
— Hi.
— At last, you woke up, Eliana! We were already going to leave!
— What day is today?
— Friday. February the 2nd.
— ... I'm not sure if I slept enough, but I'm hungry.
— Sit down, then. I'll now serve you some stew.
Ester stood up from ger seat and gave Eliana a large dish. Normally, Eliana wouldn't be able to finish it, but this time she needed to do so, and she spent the necessary time to eat all of the stew.
— Tell me, Eliana, did you dream something?
— Oh, yeah... I'm not sure if I should tell you., because it was a very strange dream, though... it looked so real...
— Tell us, Eliana.
— ... Well, I dreamed that I stayed asleep on a seat, at Constitución railway station... and when I woke up, the train was already gone... without me.
Everyone stared at each other's faces. Did Eliana really think that it was all a dream?
— Eliana, huh...
— Well, the guard woke me up... he told me that the train had left fifteen minutes before... and I ran behind the train, thinking that I could catch up with it...
— ... And you did?
— Yeah... when it was already arriving to Talca here. Imagine running all that just to...
Hugo took from his backpack an instant photograph that he had taken the day before. Eliana appeared running at a side of the train, slowing down before leaving the railway towards Once Oriente street.
Eliana stared at the photography, bewildered and skeptical.
... This is not true. — Eliana said.
— Eliana... yes, it's true. When we boarded the train...
Then, they all stared at María.
... I though that I was carrying you in my arms and that I had sat you next to me... but that wasn't you, it was a plush doll that a little kid had left next to you...
Eliana crossed her eyes.
— I was sleepy! I made a mistake!
— Carry me in your arms. Do you think that I weigh the same as a plush doll?
María did so.
— I don't know how I didn't notice. The plush doll... is much softer than you.
— Har har. Well, it doesn't matter. I'm already here... though there's something that doesn't... or maybe it does...
Eliana thought for a moment, while everyone else stared at her, worried.
— Okay, I think that the best I can do is to try it in order to dispel any doubts. Give me fifteen minutes.
Eliana took ten minutes, and then called her family to the backyard. They followed her, but didn't find her when they arrived.
— Eliana? Where are you?
— Up here. This is how I made it to Talca.