#337: Against divination - 2014-09-23

María: I already told you, Eliana. It doesn't matter.
Eliana: But we left things in the open!
María: All my things of value are inside the container! Everything else is nothing but old junk! Let it all rot away!
María: I won't show you what's inside the container until the summer!
María: Then you will all come with me to resurrect my house, with more time!
Gypsy: Hey, long-haired little girl!
Gypsy: I read your palm!
Eliana: Huh? No, thanks! Do you need money?
Gypsy: It's for free! You helped my niece! Accept it as a display of gratitude!
Eliana: Well, if you insist...
Hugo: Hey I want it too!
Rosa: No, kids! That's not okay!
Gypsy: I see great professional success, lots of work and money. Your life will be long, and you'll get old very slowly.
Gypsy: You'll be a woman with the body of a child. Finding love will be difficult.
Hugo: What's going on, Rosa?
Rosa: Don't you believe in God?
Gypsy: You have everything you need to triumph, smarts, talent, personality...! You just need to persevere more! Don't be so fickle!
Rosa: You don't need to know the future! You just need faith!
Gypsy: I see many travels in your life! ¡Amazing adventures!
Rosa: Fate does not exist! We're the ones who write our own lives!
Gypsy: Many girls in love of you, but no wife? Ah-ha, you rascal!
Gypsy: Wow! Why do you still have so many years left!?
María: Uh... eep, I didn't expect this.
Gypsy: So don't leave yourself for dead, countrywoman! Make the most of your days!
Rosa: No! Let me go! I don't want to take part on this diabolical game!
Hugo: Come on! What's wrong with it?
María: Just play along with her! Won't you?
Rosa: Forgive us, Lord...!
Gypsy: ...
Gypsy: You know? You're right, what I'm doing is wrong! I won't see into the future again!
Rosa: Uh... May God enlighten your road!
María: Darn, I didn't know about that side of yours!
Rosa: Thank you.