#372: Graduation memento - 2015-06-08

Yearbook - Class 8-B - 1995
Soledad Rebeca Álvarez Narea
- Represents: Croatia.
- Nickname: “Ricitos de oro”
- Favorite food: Fried fish.
- Closest classmate: Lucio.
- Distinctive trait: Her empty stare and her messy hair.
“ Huuuuuuuh? ”
Agustín Danilo Becerra Miranda
- Represents: Bolivia.
- Nickname: “Bad duck”
- Favorite band: Nirvana.
- Secretly admires: Emilia.
- Distinctive trait: Skinny, tawny and silent.
“ Who wants cookies? ”
Fulvio Andrónico Del Valle Zegarra
- Represents: Italy.
- Nickname: “Cheeky”
- Fan of: “Grosso” brand bubblegum, “Sapito” brand chocolate.
- Fell for: Sigrid.
- Distinctive trait: Slim, short light-brown hair.
“ The teacher said! ” “ Sigrid said! ”
Catalina del C. Espinoza Escalona
- Represents: India.
- Nickname: “Kate”
- Passion: playing as goalkeeper.
- Boyfriend: Arnoldo.
- Distinctive trait: Short black hair, large nose, light eyes, tans easily.
“ It's okay, don't worry! ”(you'd better worry)
Iván Boris Garrido Orellana
- Represents: Poland.
- Nickname: “Ugly duck”
- Annoyed by: Everything. Except, curiously, by being called ugly.
- Only friend ever: Alicia Quilodrán (class 6-A).
- Distinctive trait: ... obvious.
“ Croak! Croak! Croak! ”
Lucio Claudio Gómez Reveco
- Represents: Russia.
- Nickname: “King Lucio”, “King Momo”
- Loves/hates: Physical Education.
- Best friends: Rodolfo, Marcela, Soledad.
- Distinctive trait: Robust, hair colored light brown towards dark blond.
“ Let's make a picnic tomorrow after school! Let's everyone bring something to share! ”
Sigrid Leticia González Múñiz
- Represents: France.
- Nickname: “Skinny”, “Model”
- Drama: To be surrounded by young kids.
- Except: Fulvio. The only one who knows how to treats her.
- Distinctive trait: Lineage can't be faked.
“ When you accuse me of being haughty, you admit your inferiority. ”
Rodolfo Adalberto Hahn Kahn
- Represents: Germany.
- Nickname: “Rudolf”
- Sense of humor: Not German at all.
- Inseparable partner: His cousin Marcela.
- Distinctive trait: Blond, blue eyes, always smiling.
“ You, teacher. ”
Rafael H. Jiménez Torres
- Represents: Costa Rica.
- Nickname: “Huaso”
- Why didn't he attend today?: He went to Talca.
- Best friend: Rosa.
“ Damn it, I got a 6.5! (out of 7) ”
Marcela Brunhilda Kahn Hahn
- Represents: Austria.
- Nickname: “Zella”
- Ideal as: Opera singer, Oktoberfest girl.
- Inseparable partner: Her cousin Rodolfo.
- Distinctive trait: Blond, blue eyes, generous shape, serious appearance.
“ Make a better effort, then! I didn't get it for free! ”
Xiaoshang Li Wu
- Represents: People's Republic of China.
- Nickname: “China girl”
- Favorite sport: Basketball.
- Rivals: Rodolfo, Marcela, Rafael and Rosa.
- Distinctive trait: Long black hair, slim but wiry body shape.
“ I want the President of the Republic scholarship! ”
Pablo Andrés Lillo Loyola
- Represents: Ethiopia.
- Nickname: “Palillo”, “Pelillo”
- Favorite activity: None.
- Girlfriend since forever: Javiera.
- Distinctive trait: Black, thick, indomitable hair.
“ Love and peace, bro. ”
Javiera Felicia López Fuentes
- Represents: Jamaica.
- Nickname: “Grandotota”
- Favorite place: Mom's boat.
- Boyfriend since forever: Pablo.
- Distinctive trait: well, she's quite big.
José Felipe Pino Tapia
- Represents: Egypt.
- Nickname: “Josefo”
- Favorite band: Metallica.
- Best friends: Pablo, Javiera.
- Distinctive trait: Skinny, messy hair.
“ Noscientos. ” (portmanteau of "nosotros" (we) and "doscientos" (200)
Rosa Marcela Martínez Gómez
- Represents: Japan.
- Nickname: “Crying girl”, “Little Mermaid”
- Cooking speciality: Pâtisserie.
- Most loving towards: Rafael.
- Distinctive trait: Fuchsia-color hair ribbon, slim with thick legs.
“ He didn't come today... ”
Arnoldo A. Navarrete Perales
- Represents: England.
- Nickname: “Nolo”
- Admirers: A lot of them.
- Only owner of his heart: Catalina.
- Distinctive trait: Tall, green eyes, light hair, long nose.
“ ♪ She may be the beauty or the beast.. ♬ ”
Judith Alejandra Ortega Cifuentes
- Represents: Argentina.
- Nickname: “Black”
- Crazy about: plush pets.
- Best friends: Emilia, Alonso, Miguel.
- Distinctive trait: Her eyes.
“ Let me hug you, will you? ”
Miguel Alejandro Pinto Aburto
- Represents: Uruguay.
- Nickname: “Baldy”
- Fan of: Japanese animation.
- Best friend: Judith.
- Distinctive trait: His forehead, his small eyes.
“ Check out this doodle! ”
Emilia Antonia Riquelme Suárez
- Represents: The Netherlands.
- Nickname: “Witch”
- Magnum Opus: The garden at her house.
- Best friend: Judith.
- Distinctive trait: Chubby, light eyes, always with twin tails or braids.
“ Those aren't reins, damn it! ”
José Haritz Vásquez Echeverría
- Represents: Basque Country.
- Nickname: Gurrugurru.
- Expert at: having strange ideas and messing with everyone's minds.
- Platonic love: Lina Urrutia (class 8-A).
- Distinctive trait: Big head, robust body, slow movement.
“ ¡Perrro es quer rrrecién asdfpgiroklgkotoklgotog! ” (but i just (untranslatable))
Alonso Alfredo Zúñiga Zapata
- Represents: Denmark.
- Nickname: None.
- Diagnostic: Bipolar syndrome.
- Crush of the day: Depends on when they ask him about it.
- Distinctive trait: Hair parted to the side.
“ Hahaha! ... sorry. ”