#362: Anti-miscegenation - 2015-03-16

Carlos: Excuse me... Do you have a moment for a short survey?
Marcela: ... Sure, I have nothing to do right now.
Carlos: Very well! Let's see... you're in class 8-B, right?
Marcela: Right!
Carlos: How old are you?
Marcela: I became fourteen a month ago...
Carlos: How is your relationship with your male classmates? Too many suitors?
Marcela: Huh? Not that I know of. I have many friends, but nothing beyond that.
Carlos: Oh... How about outside your cla...?
Marcela: ...
Rodolfo: A survey! Cool, I want to fill it too!
Carlos: You two go together all the time! What's going on?
Carlos: Wait... you are not dating, right!?
Marcela: No, we're cousins. In fact, I don't have a boyfriend.
Carlos: Excellent...!
Marcela: But don't get your hopes up!
Carlos: No!? Why?
Marcela: Ours is a quite ancient family! We involve ourselves only between Germans!
Carlos: ...Oh, so you're from those.
Carlos: Wait! You have a sister at the Polytechnic School! Right?
Marcela: So you like them grown up, punk!? Sandra won't date a Chilean boy, either!
Carlos: ... But she's already going out with an older guy... and he doesn't look at all like a German...
Marcela: WHAAAT!?
Rodolfo: I want to date a Chilean girl, too...
Carlos: Damned master race!
Carlos: That's what I get for pretending such an angel, being a dirty mestizo sudaca...!
Carlos: But no, I won't be the “Cirilo” for this “María Joaquina”. I don't fall for the game of the devilish one...!
Cristián: Wow, Carlitos! You have some quite strange tastes on girls!
Cristián: Hahahaha!
Carlos: Plump boy who likes SCRAWNY GIRLS!
Cristián: Hahaha...! Ouch, what a low blow, you!